o my, 30 hour famine 06 [17-18 june] was absolutely great! i had so much fun n i learnt alot!let me go through the whole event properly. first of all we dunno our grps, so we had to go arnd and find. i'm suppose to be a healthy mum stuck in evacuation station2 n i tell u it's a really scary experience b cuz u r like waiting n waiting, while ppl around u get found by their family members. our 'daddy' was suppose to cum n find us. while waiting we were suppose to fold these paper cranes for song he xiang mee. as i fold, the more worried i got, wat if my 'daddy' dun find me? wat will happen to me? at least i got some hope when some daddies came calling "POMO, anyone from pomo?" i was sitting there n hoping, let my daddy be a handsome one. haha. hey, it's a natural thing to think k! hu wun one a cute daddy. then there came this guy asking for pomo 3 and i show him my tag, he said no no, i was quite disappointed, b cuz i wanted to get away from my crane folding situation. then i waited a long time then came 2 daddies from pomo but weren't mine. arg...sad. then i got more worried too b cuz there was only 4 family n i met 3, the chances of being found is tiny! so here cum the previous guy hu 'rejected' me, then i show my card to him again! then he was like , hey i finally found our mum. i was so -_-". i wanted to scream at him, but knowing how nice i am when meeting strangers, i juz smile politely. arg... then i went to meet my grp, i was a little quiet.haha.naturally. then we play this game where we had to go to stations to play and earn money. but it's real hard to earn monay n we were real poor. there's even prostiution!!! and we even restort to doing that. then we had to go buy stuff to build our 'house'. we went to the black market first, and i had to sell my hair b cuz we were so so poor, and my hair could get us $12!!! but we were still poor after tt. n tt evil daddy and fly went to steal tables n chairs! wahaha. but it really lead me to realise how those poor families feel and y some had to go into prostiution, organ selling and stealing. but i guess my grp worked really well and bond alot. our 'meals' were jus packet drinks. but i wasn't really hungry, b cuz we were like having an activity every min n i forgot abt my hunger. we also had workshop which made me learnt alot and some video clips even made me feel like crying. and i DIDN'T BATHE!!!! i felt so totally gross the whole of nxt day and i am a little ashamed b cuz the kids didn't even get to bath for dunno how many months. the nxt day there was newspaper collection, it's not tt i never do it b4 n i was really enthu at first, but after 4 blocks i was totally tired out. not eating plus carrying so much stuff nearly kill me. haha. but i'm real proud tt i did it in the end. 7 blocks leh! no kidding man. then we went back to do clean up, it was easy, not much effort there. and our grp went to play card game. the forfeit was real fun. haha. lucky i wasn't the one doing it. then we went to the famine concert! there was this forgot the name band, Cai Chun Jia! and ronin. cai chun jia is so pretty n skinny.eunice olsen is oso v pretty. cai chun jia invited zhiyang to sing(that's right, zhiyang was there and i think he's not as cute as he was on tv). and we tried to act high when ronin sang, but i think they were totally gross!
i think pomo 3 was great! and i feel tt is real sad b cuz we r so close during the 30 hrs but it's like we'll never get together again eventhough we say tt we will. haiz..i'm sad, b cuz daddy was really cut n fly was so funny n kristin was so nice n the two i-fogot-their-names girl were so carzy. arg, i really hope we could get back together some day, i'm missing all of u already.anw, thanks chew ling! i'll go back to 30hr famine nxt year! hope we can do something meaningful together end of the year!
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