i'm a a bit lagging behind...waha farewell is so yesterday but i still have to blog this befor my memory vanishes completely.waha. my brain has limited memory space, especially after putting in so much stuff for prelims, can't believe tt all this n i'm not evn using 10% of my brain. ok, let's just go through the whole day first. o my, i already forgot the date....hmmm..wat it 19 aug? arg...dun remember..i woke up early arnd 8 plus to do presents, e night before i was oso doing them. the QQ came n we did elaine's present. elaine do u lyk it?! it's like so cool lor. waha. then yan hong came then elaine was 1 hour late..we finish making the presents quite early then we watch this 'miss suan' thing. i was so irritated wif the women, felt lyk beating her up. haha. i think we started dressing up a little too late. but it's quite fun doing all the make up and hair. i was so excited. i think all of us look quite nice. my dress is faith's. thanks alot faith! then we were late for the bus lor. so irritating, when we reached the bus juz reached lor! waste money lei! weitheng lor, u shld had ask the bus to wait for us. i thought we were late, but i'm like so wrong! there is lyk still a bunch of girls who were late. sorry, but i can't stand ppl who r this late. the party started without them. er..but the dance was quite hmmmm... n all of them look like very bu shuang to me. opps haha. but still quite entertaining la, especially joel who look like ah beng dancing. waha. then we started dinner. Then the rest of the sec4 arrived....a little whoa n hmm by wat they were wearing. jiaxin looked v different n pretty. not bad for a change. haha at first i still thought i overdress but i'm like so not in th end. everyone looked not bad accept some of the guys. i think yu sheng dressed the best, but still, i expected better. the food was delicious, i ate a lot. but still felt not enough. the beef was yummy, the potatoe was the best accept the pasta, yuck! the cake was delicious too. yum yum. then went for section talk, felt a little sad, because our section are like still v strange to each other. hai..clarinet always like tt one. i only felt close to weitheng and hui leng at tt moment. a little regret. should had spent more time wif them. but i serously think the presents for the se3 n 2 were very nicely made. i'll b quite happy to receive them. then went back in to give out presents and take photos. then the video was shown i think it was the best thing tt night. it was really funny! and touching. enjoyed tt alot. o forgot the song for us... it was quite nice. but they should stand up and sing lor, i could not even see their faces, it's like they sian sian like tt. but i do feel the hard work put i by the sec 3s. o forgot the speech time, haha. i felt tt i never say wat i wanted to say... n dun noe whether the juniors got my point. haha. at the end we went for crazy photo taking section wif everybody. waha it was fun. then i ate this v big tweety bird brownie. o my goodness lor.. it's nice but there's egg shell in it!!! luckily i got it out in time, if not i'll get egg shell-ed throat waha. but seriously it tasted nice. then yanhong, weitheng, wei jian, jun han n i were the last to go home. i felt sad when i was leaving, it's like everything's gone... thanks yan hong n her brother for sending me home. when home n opened the present. o my! QQ's present was so so touching, nearly cried. it's one of the best thing tt anyone has given me. thank you QQ. love ya alot. anw, i felt tt maybe i shouldn't have bought so much presents, maybe should buy for those most important to me. but nvm, i'll give on christmas! anw, it was a great party. i will never forget it, at least try to remember as long as possible. thanks everyone:)
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