U is for URSA! U-R-S-A ursa! U is for URSA U-R-S-A ursa! vote for me, Goh Yu Jie (and Hari)!!! Thank you! Thank You!
o man! so scary! the campaigning is offically starting on monday and i got alot alot of stuff to prepare. o no! scary! whoo~ need to creat posters, banner, brochure, speech...v v busy. until i cannot breathe le. but that is the fun of it. anw tell u abt the sc meeting on wed. i went late, but i have a good reason k?! i had band pract and i had to leave in between and Mr Tan (dear conductor) was talking and i dare not interrupt him. and i was late by a few minutes 3 or 4, according to school clock. it was scary!!! marc ( the president) was v particular abt punctuality. the ursa sc seniors even warn us die also cannot be late for the morning meeting which starts at 7.10am almost everyday next week! ( sorry, interruption: "ZHI HAO is 1.8!!!" end of interruption) then we had alot of stuff to do, speech, CT walk.... then marc asked for volunteers to be the general secetary of the week who have to pass down infor and all that, so sian rite, who wan to be that lor, but 3 ppl raise their hands lei...but i expected it la, Sc are suppose to be willing to do everything..but then hor when he ask for volunteer to be nominee day in charge( the person have to prepare for the nominee day and do all the food and all tt) but u noe wat?!?! nobody raise their hands lor!! (interruption: zhi hao dig his nose in front of moi!!! interruption ends) i was like waiting and thinking y no enthu ppl?! i thought we r all sc nominee?! then i just rise moi's hand and ta da!! i was the ic. then i knew the reason, my class mate ask me y i so hiong..but i think it's ok lor. very fun wat..
then went to the ursa meet senior sc meeting. our sejnior all very cool one lor, got all the dance ic, i'm going to ask them teach me mass dance!! and got one frm AHS. yea.. our ursa ppl all very enthu and i really like most of them. hari also campaigning with moi!!! he was very funny, he said that we never officially introduce ourselves so he took out his hand to shake mine, eventhough i was thinking o my, my hands are like so cold from nervousness la. then he said: hi, i'm hari" then i said " hi hari, i'm yujie" ..................so funny rite?! elaine be jealous!!! haha i get to work with hari who i think is a super nice person! haha.anw, hari was ahs prom king so he is good-looking! anw after i finish our campaigning poster i'll show ya!! it'll be uber cool!!!
here showing the photos of me and the road that i painted till 4am.
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