heh...very long nvr blog rite...haha. because busy working, i work everyday lei, even sunday, then at night come home i busy watching hana kimi(hua yang shao nan shao nu), super nice show lor. but then hor down load very long tt y u can see me blog now, because i'm still downloading. all of u out there must watch!!!!! it's so funny and has alot alot of shuai ge. muahahahaha.
anw, HARI GOT INTO STUDENT COUNCIL!!!!!!!!!!HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! really very happy for him. now he can help me live my council dream too. haha. ok la, fine, i admit i'm his number 1 fan. haha. jk jk.
i'm very busy working. but mostly it's very very sian on the weekdays. i just stand there and rot. because hardly any customers. but i think i becoming more pro lei. haha. but sunday i sell until super shiok. the whole week i sold a total of 26+ stuff and i sold 12 of them on sunday alone. very shuang ar. eventhough no comission but everytime i sell one thing i'll get this adranaline rush. and whoosh!!! i'll fell happier, but tt happiness last for only like 1 min. then i'll stone again. anw, the ppl arnd me oso quite interesting la( at first only, now they all look boring to me) got one of this guy who is of higher position i think, he got this VOOM VOOM hair, it's like standing up by lots of gel like a space ship. haha. and his face also makes u feel VOOM VOOM. i like to stare at him, but he is hardly arnd. dun get me wrong hor, he is not shuai. and this guy call kelvin, same company as me, he very prower one ar. my uncle told me his sales is the best. eventhough he has a looks-like-a-uncle-but-is-only-26+ look he is very hardworking and dun slack like the other promoters(especially the uncles n aunties) who take breaks like free. i think i'm the only (dumb) promoter who obey the 1 hr break rule. anw, i noe alot of funny secrets abt COURTS, so if u wan to noe can come ask me. because i cannot type it out if not i may get sue and go prison and has a bad record in work and becomes a beggar and die on the streets. ya, so thats y i cannot say it OUT LOUD.
i miss vjc and studying. it's all so much easier than working. working is tough ar. stand 7hrs. cannot sit. promote the art of saying customers-friendly lies. plugging in rice cookers for testing and end up getting nag at to stop testing because it's suppose to be check-already-but-u-can-come-back-within-7-days-if-anything-goes-wrong.
anw, today is a gd and bad day. i waited for the free shuttle bus to work at bedok mrt station. but i waited sooooooo long n i thought there was no bus today and i was late so i hail a taxi. and the taxi uncle forgot to press the meter. so i suspect he trying to cheat me $$. the taxi fare cost $5.50 lor. SO EXPENSIVE. i was very angry. then i was walking half way in when i notice the sole of my left shoe came off. i tried walking but i could hardly move. because it's has a high heel and i could hardly drag it along. then i walk pass this group of men who were slacking arnd. i suspect they drive the trucks. i think they were laughing at me lor. then suddenly this guy ran up to me and ask me whether i wan glue, i have even say yes and he ran off to get it. he really RAN. i was so amaze. he came back with a bottle of glue. and help me glue it like spreading peanut butter on bread. then he use HIS HANDS to press the sole and shoe together. he really did it very well. i was so so so grateful. and i think he is really really nice. so i conclude that malay are friendlier. opps. haha. but his so so nice lor. o my.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
IKEA hot dog $1

thaipan fried rice and butter squid, o man i miss that place. i seriously love it. can someone pls bring me there again?!?!
thai pan self-made tofu. yummy~~~

thai pan!!!!

sajc's mocha ice blended--- my sole reason for going there

a happy(flat) face from dear iris! i love her!

my one and only project with vjc CIC. we built a bed and clean this man's house.

i dun even noe who this girl is but i secertly took a photo of her balloon, it's very cute, it has a fish in it!!

the old man's toilet!!! steffi n i cleaned it!!!

wenwen and i witnessed the marriage of the two dummy in art room. awww~~~ how sweet. i really miss art room!!!!

look who made this poor tree bleed...

look! both of these are actually bamboo juice, quite different eh~

guess who's underwear is this? wahahahahahaha

mr tang and mr tang!!! hahaha i miss him alot eh. his was a good art teacher

the old man's bed!!!

now you know why everyone goes to IKEA to buy hotdog

look at how big it is

my "boyfriend" and i

look what i found in the women's toilet
Friday, February 16, 2007
real beauty
the 1st one is amazing. hope it made all of u out there realise something!!!
the 2nd i was trying to find the singapore one, but found it instead. but i just wan to say the song is very touching. and the whole advert is very amazing. i always feel very touched when i see it. hope all of you get it's point and mine. the real beauty is the one that comes from beneath.
just wan somehting out of my blog instead of all the boring old stuff abt myself. must be less selfish. do tag abt ur feelings and stuff abt what u see:)
COURTS megastore promoter
yes me, dear me, is the COURTS megastore promoter now. selling rice cooker, kettle and airpot. haha. didn't know that thing was call airpot until today. but it's very useful. so all of you out there go spoil and smash up all these 3 stuff that are in your house. faster go!!!!! everyone ther very nice to me. haha. but all of them like brothers and uncles to me. haha. but then lei i never eat the whole day because i dun wanna eat alone but this haidir guy say rite if i wan to eat can go the store there find him, then he will bring me go eat. haha. they really nice ppl. but in ther afternoon super boring man. so all of out there if possible come visit me in the afternoon, then we go ikea eat together. when i went there today, this auntie who work wif us ate 6 chicken wings!!!! so so amazing lor. and she eat until damn pro, and so clean. hahahaaha. and she let me lisen to all these funny stuff on her phone. and this fedrick guy treat me like his daughter i think. haha. everybody just super nice to me la. haha.
anw my youngest sis just told me i quarrel wif her only twice before, o man she actually counts!!!! haha
went to school today. haha it was fun lah. the performance was so so much better than ahs one lor. all got standard man. the modern dance was super nice. kept staring at yiting. haha. but she only dance so short lei. haha. then A15 won 2nd in banner painting. haha. i design and paint one leh!!!! rock rite. we should get first la, the 1st one was crap man. i think mine rock sock. can someone pls go and steal it for me?! i scream like crazy when i heard we won. haha. everyone arnd me was staring. haha. super high in school today. later the mass dnace i oso dance like crazy. haha. last chance le leh. the cheer i oso scream like crazy. anw, xingzhong i wanted to dance wif u lei, but then a little weird so i never. haha.
xingzhong, u better do something to persuade me to go run k?! if not the thought of running even kills my brain cells.
yes, songde i die oso wan to go SC
passerby, u so nice ar, i got 11-4. u wan a hug?!
wenwen, i oso miss u lor!!!!!! i miss hanging out with you in the art room!!! i miss mr tang. anw, u missed mr josef tam dance today!!!! he is one of the hottest guy on earth!!!
jeridyn, dun lie to me..u dun sleep ar?! haha. u promise ar. pls la josef tam cutter can...
yulan sian la!!!! y u see him only after i go off?!?!
QIQIN of course u in lah! go think of club motto can?! haha. u wan a treat u come visit me first. haha
YULING sis sorry i still will not stop laughing, the mere thought of it makes me crazy. haha. great another memeber!!!! i knew it! i knew u miss me so much that u whack the rice cooker! waha.
liang, i not despo can is my life no shuai ge at all lor. anw, u lazy pig, y dun just type in ur blog add la. go visit me at courts k?! haha
hope the previous post will rock ya!!!
anw my youngest sis just told me i quarrel wif her only twice before, o man she actually counts!!!! haha
went to school today. haha it was fun lah. the performance was so so much better than ahs one lor. all got standard man. the modern dance was super nice. kept staring at yiting. haha. but she only dance so short lei. haha. then A15 won 2nd in banner painting. haha. i design and paint one leh!!!! rock rite. we should get first la, the 1st one was crap man. i think mine rock sock. can someone pls go and steal it for me?! i scream like crazy when i heard we won. haha. everyone arnd me was staring. haha. super high in school today. later the mass dnace i oso dance like crazy. haha. last chance le leh. the cheer i oso scream like crazy. anw, xingzhong i wanted to dance wif u lei, but then a little weird so i never. haha.
xingzhong, u better do something to persuade me to go run k?! if not the thought of running even kills my brain cells.
yes, songde i die oso wan to go SC
passerby, u so nice ar, i got 11-4. u wan a hug?!
wenwen, i oso miss u lor!!!!!! i miss hanging out with you in the art room!!! i miss mr tang. anw, u missed mr josef tam dance today!!!! he is one of the hottest guy on earth!!!
jeridyn, dun lie to me..u dun sleep ar?! haha. u promise ar. pls la josef tam cutter can...
yulan sian la!!!! y u see him only after i go off?!?!
QIQIN of course u in lah! go think of club motto can?! haha. u wan a treat u come visit me first. haha
YULING sis sorry i still will not stop laughing, the mere thought of it makes me crazy. haha. great another memeber!!!! i knew it! i knew u miss me so much that u whack the rice cooker! waha.
liang, i not despo can is my life no shuai ge at all lor. anw, u lazy pig, y dun just type in ur blog add la. go visit me at courts k?! haha
hope the previous post will rock ya!!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
happy birthday yingying
ying2 be honoured k, u r the title of my post. haha. thanks again xingzhong for the book, i'm half way through it and i think it's really great. liang, all yu sheng fault lah, ask him call you come out never call. think i may go vj tml to celebrate new year. if not v sad lei cannot celebrate rite. but i try not to let many ppl noe, if not they come talk to me n make me sad. haha. liang try to find me or something. but wat time celebration end ar? i got to go work lei, 12.30 must reach. anw, ppl i working at the tampines COURTS mega store, selling lame stuff like rice cooker and all that. haha. so funny rite. i going to like self study at home in the morning and go work in the afternoon. dun waste my time, make some$$ buy sch stuff when i go new sch. ppl find some reason to come visit me can?! if not it will be quite sian selling rice cooker etc. go spoil ur house the rice cooker and get a new one from me or something. i may have staff discount lei. wahahahaha. but so exciting man, i can finally work, i never work before lei. o i also never go the COURTS before, so it'll be fun. VOTE FOR HARI DARMAWAN!!!! tml is the last day of voting!!!!
went SA today, totally sian. i miss vjc big time. i miss vjc!!!!! arg.... damn sad man. i love the school. kinda hope i dun get into sajc. opps. haha. sorry yulan. seriously i so sad that i cannot cry lei. sian sian sian. vjc.....the only good thing abt SAJC is the chocolate mocha ice blended. haha. i tried looking for shuai ge today but failed. haha. the only one is not even in sajc is in sa junior sec, that was cute!!! haha. i dun mind the older and younger thingy. haha.
anw after that went out with ting2 to but ying2 present. had fun. hope ying2 likes them. eventhough they are like quite random stuff. anw, ting2 wan to open a cool shop next time and i hope i can co-open wif her. so cool lor, we can buy all sort of stuff from all over the world and put them in our shop. ting2 when u become famous, must remember me k?! and zimu met up wif us. he wan to be architech( o my is that how u spell it), anw i hope he will not give up lor. haha. so ppl pls encourage him. kinda hope that both of us get into tjc together. o saw this guy today who was wearing this very long shirt to his knees and had shades on and had this head of fuzzy wuzzy hair the look worst than a lion. i was totally amused. hahaha. and this angmoh who looks really good in shade, but that was like the end of his fashion sense, he was wearing this tight shirt and bright-blue-and-black-surfing-shorts. and black track shoes i think. so funny lor!!! i think he is quite good-looking just that he got zero fashion sense. haha. opps. so mean. anw, breadtalk the 'xiao dou dou' quite nice. got time go try. inside has peanut buttet cream. yum. and who want to join the ANTI-RAISIN-CLUB???? i'm the president, ting2 and qiqin are in it too. haha. raise ur hand if u want to join. the purpose of the club is to propaganda other ppl to stop eating raisin. and close down raisin factories. haha. i knew it, u absolutely love the idea rite?!?!?! hahahaaha. who wan to be vice president???
o and xingzhong i change my mind abt the sajc pretty girls and shuai ge thing. haha. jia you to wen2 and xingzhong for tml!!!! even if i cannot go...
liang, u got blog???
went SA today, totally sian. i miss vjc big time. i miss vjc!!!!! arg.... damn sad man. i love the school. kinda hope i dun get into sajc. opps. haha. sorry yulan. seriously i so sad that i cannot cry lei. sian sian sian. vjc.....the only good thing abt SAJC is the chocolate mocha ice blended. haha. i tried looking for shuai ge today but failed. haha. the only one is not even in sajc is in sa junior sec, that was cute!!! haha. i dun mind the older and younger thingy. haha.
anw after that went out with ting2 to but ying2 present. had fun. hope ying2 likes them. eventhough they are like quite random stuff. anw, ting2 wan to open a cool shop next time and i hope i can co-open wif her. so cool lor, we can buy all sort of stuff from all over the world and put them in our shop. ting2 when u become famous, must remember me k?! and zimu met up wif us. he wan to be architech( o my is that how u spell it), anw i hope he will not give up lor. haha. so ppl pls encourage him. kinda hope that both of us get into tjc together. o saw this guy today who was wearing this very long shirt to his knees and had shades on and had this head of fuzzy wuzzy hair the look worst than a lion. i was totally amused. hahaha. and this angmoh who looks really good in shade, but that was like the end of his fashion sense, he was wearing this tight shirt and bright-blue-and-black-surfing-shorts. and black track shoes i think. so funny lor!!! i think he is quite good-looking just that he got zero fashion sense. haha. opps. so mean. anw, breadtalk the 'xiao dou dou' quite nice. got time go try. inside has peanut buttet cream. yum. and who want to join the ANTI-RAISIN-CLUB???? i'm the president, ting2 and qiqin are in it too. haha. raise ur hand if u want to join. the purpose of the club is to propaganda other ppl to stop eating raisin. and close down raisin factories. haha. i knew it, u absolutely love the idea rite?!?!?! hahahaaha. who wan to be vice president???
o and xingzhong i change my mind abt the sajc pretty girls and shuai ge thing. haha. jia you to wen2 and xingzhong for tml!!!! even if i cannot go...
liang, u got blog???
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
happy Valentine's day to everyone but me
waha. now at home, stoning, depressing. today went to school only for maths tutorial and art lesson.actually i think mr ho is a good maths tutor, so sad that today will be like my last day learning frm him. how i wish i can stay lor. art was super slack we did nothing, just talking nonsense and all tt. i'm gonna miss mr tang and the art room big time!!! i didn't went for sc meeting today because i have officially withdrew and the i/c for nominee's night is officially hari. i'm very very sad to leave council, though i'm not officially part of it. very sad man...
well, today was ok though it's v day. i was happier giving out presents, i abosolutely love to give ppl gifts. gave hari a happy face ballon that says " HI I"M HARI FROM URSA. PLS VOTE ME INTO STUDENT COUNCIL" so cool rite, it's meant to help him campaign, that is like the last thing i can do for him. haha. too bad the lousy balloon was like hovering above the floor, hari looks more like he is walking a flying dog. hahahahaha. evryone pls vote for hari darmawan!!!!! then went my class for CT walkabout thing. i was quite sad when i saw them. haha. but i guess i must learn to " na de qi fang de xia". who noes rite i may get into my next school sc. hahaha. senior class came and i gave Hua Jia her present. haha i felt very happy. it's really ok that she couldn't get me anything, i understands. all i hop is for her leg to get well soon. when i was tallking to her i felt like crying because it's my last time seeing her and giving her stuff. i think she is a really nice person and one of my greatest regret of leaving vjc is not knowing her well. but she gave me a hug. awwwww.. so nice rite. i was a little shock because she was like jumping around on one leg. haha. i oso have this kinda experience before when i was in P6. i was on clutches for abt 3-4 weeks. quite an interesting experience. hua jia all the best in everything u do, ur angel will miss you:)
oh and receive a nice present from my angel melissa today. she is a really good cook. her cookies are yummy!!! and the cereal jar is totally cool!!! i'm very sad that i could not give her something better than the brownie. so sorry melissa!!! then i went canteen talked to clinton and hari. o man i'm going to miss clinton alot leh, though he so crap rite but he is a really good friend man. haha. pon econ and ate with him. haha. then gave a present to timt and jonathan foong, i think foong was quite surprise when my sis pass it to him. he muz have thought his secret admire-re gave it to him. waha. then i wnet to talk to both of them. we actually manage to have a normal conversation after so long. haha. couldn't find jonathan liang so didn't gave him his gift yet. wanted to go for geog but end up pon-ing it and sleeping in art room. i was like dead in the art room. totally tired. haha. by the time i woke up it was already 2.45. i miss my chance of giving to liang. sian.
then when outside band room to pass gifts to yu sheng, huileng and liang. but he so sian lor, ask him come out he dun wan. oi u think u so da pai ar.. i wan to give him personally oso cannot. anw, hope he likes it lah. i personally love it. because it's so nice n colourful, makes me happy when i see it. and yu sheng pass me this rose, but who is it from exactly ar? why the person dun pass to me personaly? it's my last day in vjc anw. ya but thanks whoever you are.
o forgot xingzhong, thank for the book!!! it's really nice. so sorry that i couldn't give ya something better. i'll spent my free time( which is like these 3 weeks) reading it. o and do tell me ur posting results k?! hope that u can stay in vjc, but go tjc oso not bad la, i maybe going there. haha.:)
think i'll be crashing sajc tml. and maybe mjc and tjc after new year. haha. ppl welcome me with open arms k. o but make sure u shave ur armpits. haha. o no, guys shouldn't shave their armpit lor, it's like one of the most gay thing. haha.
o and to that anynomus(shit, until now i still dunno how to spell the word, someone pls enlighten me, haha) who sms me, pls tell me who u r, dun be mean.
well, today was ok though it's v day. i was happier giving out presents, i abosolutely love to give ppl gifts. gave hari a happy face ballon that says " HI I"M HARI FROM URSA. PLS VOTE ME INTO STUDENT COUNCIL" so cool rite, it's meant to help him campaign, that is like the last thing i can do for him. haha. too bad the lousy balloon was like hovering above the floor, hari looks more like he is walking a flying dog. hahahahaha. evryone pls vote for hari darmawan!!!!! then went my class for CT walkabout thing. i was quite sad when i saw them. haha. but i guess i must learn to " na de qi fang de xia". who noes rite i may get into my next school sc. hahaha. senior class came and i gave Hua Jia her present. haha i felt very happy. it's really ok that she couldn't get me anything, i understands. all i hop is for her leg to get well soon. when i was tallking to her i felt like crying because it's my last time seeing her and giving her stuff. i think she is a really nice person and one of my greatest regret of leaving vjc is not knowing her well. but she gave me a hug. awwwww.. so nice rite. i was a little shock because she was like jumping around on one leg. haha. i oso have this kinda experience before when i was in P6. i was on clutches for abt 3-4 weeks. quite an interesting experience. hua jia all the best in everything u do, ur angel will miss you:)
oh and receive a nice present from my angel melissa today. she is a really good cook. her cookies are yummy!!! and the cereal jar is totally cool!!! i'm very sad that i could not give her something better than the brownie. so sorry melissa!!! then i went canteen talked to clinton and hari. o man i'm going to miss clinton alot leh, though he so crap rite but he is a really good friend man. haha. pon econ and ate with him. haha. then gave a present to timt and jonathan foong, i think foong was quite surprise when my sis pass it to him. he muz have thought his secret admire-re gave it to him. waha. then i wnet to talk to both of them. we actually manage to have a normal conversation after so long. haha. couldn't find jonathan liang so didn't gave him his gift yet. wanted to go for geog but end up pon-ing it and sleeping in art room. i was like dead in the art room. totally tired. haha. by the time i woke up it was already 2.45. i miss my chance of giving to liang. sian.
then when outside band room to pass gifts to yu sheng, huileng and liang. but he so sian lor, ask him come out he dun wan. oi u think u so da pai ar.. i wan to give him personally oso cannot. anw, hope he likes it lah. i personally love it. because it's so nice n colourful, makes me happy when i see it. and yu sheng pass me this rose, but who is it from exactly ar? why the person dun pass to me personaly? it's my last day in vjc anw. ya but thanks whoever you are.
o forgot xingzhong, thank for the book!!! it's really nice. so sorry that i couldn't give ya something better. i'll spent my free time( which is like these 3 weeks) reading it. o and do tell me ur posting results k?! hope that u can stay in vjc, but go tjc oso not bad la, i maybe going there. haha.:)
think i'll be crashing sajc tml. and maybe mjc and tjc after new year. haha. ppl welcome me with open arms k. o but make sure u shave ur armpits. haha. o no, guys shouldn't shave their armpit lor, it's like one of the most gay thing. haha.
o and to that anynomus(shit, until now i still dunno how to spell the word, someone pls enlighten me, haha) who sms me, pls tell me who u r, dun be mean.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
butter squid
today is my last day eating at thai pan enjoying the delicious thai pan fried rice, butter squid and tofu. because i'm officially not a victorian anymore unless someone gonna petition for my stay or the principal fall in love with me or i becomce a billionaire and bribe the sch to let me stay, but highly impossible of course. waha. but i was quite ok abt it, chin meng and yulan kept telling me that its ok to cry but seriously i'm over it le. no point crying rite?! no matter what i still cannot stay. tml is valentine's day and it's also my last day in vjc. just wan to enjoy myself. got lots of stuff to do tonight. but i'll finish all the presents man, even if it means not sleeping, i wanna thank alot of ppl. and i think my angel and mortal damn lucky. hahaha.
today was actually quite fun in school lor. chin and yulan came. den kept rying to help them blend in and hide. haha. they had to hide in the toilets in the morning. chin suad that he heard somebody shitting in the next cubicle. so funny lor!!! haha. i only went for one maths lecture today. haha. damn slack rite. but i cannot stay le mah and cannot be sc. so go crazy while i can rite. hari, chin, yu lan and i went to hari's econ lecture and paper msn through the whole thing. damn slack lor. i was also writing to my dear band angel/mortal who suddenly wrote me a letter. hey if u r reading rite pls remember to tag yea? and hope u like ur present tml. haha. i think the 4 of us together oso quite fun, alwyn should have come today. and thanks wenwen!!! o and yiting i hope u are well:) o thank to dear hari yulan n chin got free badge today! waha. o man i going to miss SC. i like some of the sc nominees man, like dominic, dilshab, wayn.... dun really remember their names. haha. but ya, hari i'll help with the nominee's night k?! i promise ya.
o tml v day how exciting! hope someone handsome will biao bai to me! haha. fine la. i noe it's impossible. but i dun mind spending v day with my friends. i dun wanna grow old so quickly man. i believe v day can be for good friends too. still got alot of stuff to say but gotta go prepare v day stuff. anw, did u notice i like to say o man?! haha sounds so funny and poser rite but too bad. haha. o man!!!!
today was actually quite fun in school lor. chin and yulan came. den kept rying to help them blend in and hide. haha. they had to hide in the toilets in the morning. chin suad that he heard somebody shitting in the next cubicle. so funny lor!!! haha. i only went for one maths lecture today. haha. damn slack rite. but i cannot stay le mah and cannot be sc. so go crazy while i can rite. hari, chin, yu lan and i went to hari's econ lecture and paper msn through the whole thing. damn slack lor. i was also writing to my dear band angel/mortal who suddenly wrote me a letter. hey if u r reading rite pls remember to tag yea? and hope u like ur present tml. haha. i think the 4 of us together oso quite fun, alwyn should have come today. and thanks wenwen!!! o and yiting i hope u are well:) o thank to dear hari yulan n chin got free badge today! waha. o man i going to miss SC. i like some of the sc nominees man, like dominic, dilshab, wayn.... dun really remember their names. haha. but ya, hari i'll help with the nominee's night k?! i promise ya.
o tml v day how exciting! hope someone handsome will biao bai to me! haha. fine la. i noe it's impossible. but i dun mind spending v day with my friends. i dun wanna grow old so quickly man. i believe v day can be for good friends too. still got alot of stuff to say but gotta go prepare v day stuff. anw, did u notice i like to say o man?! haha sounds so funny and poser rite but too bad. haha. o man!!!!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
time to laugh
this is what happens when you get the cinema all to your self, you dun care less and the chairs get dirtied. waha. love it man! damn shuang!!!
huihui jie hack care too. up u go sexy legs!
the movie that we watched and i. are we cool or wat? ok fine, he is cool and i'm 'or wat'
look! i'm so tiny beside the big screen!!! it's not everyday you get to stand beside the movie screen!!!
iris iris, wat are you doing...eh eh...hahaaha
stop yujie!! you're stepping on the chairs!!!
yujie, iris, zhi hao. the supermen of the movie theater!!!!
mummy!! how dare you eat nachos?! i thought u on diet?!
the queen and i
o my. it's SERIOUSLY very heavy k?!?!
who0 hoo~~~~ the movie theater all to ourselves!!!!
zhi hao and his best friends
hey, they are my best friends too!!!
rock on man!!!!
since i'm over my emo state i shall return back to my crazy self. showing to you the photos i took with zhi hao's phone. when we went to watch the M18 movie that start with the letter A. haha. can someone pls tell me the name?!
sometimes we are so bless that we forget that we are
hey everybody, after much persuading and love and concern from all of ya, i will try to stand up now. and i'm going to share with all of you why. but firstly i must thank sharon and yiting. they are very special and nice ppl. it's really very amazing. i became very depress since friday, even though i never say anything rite, but when i "disappear" after i got my result i really wanted to end my life, i was sitting at the back of D and T there, and i was thinking, where could i get a pen knife. seriously. i was soooo emo lor. i cannot even stand myself. yuck. so emo. yuck. so emo. ok but it's very true. yesterday after my dad ROAR(he seriously was roaring, so scary lor), i wanted to find the pen knife again but luckily i was in my mum's room and no knife there. super emo rite. ewwwwww. cannot believe that i actually habour those thoughts. but seriously random ppl started showing me concern in everyway possible. firstly, it's sharon, i dunno her. maybe it's just that i cannot put the face together with her name. but yes, she was really nice, tagging and actually bother to find my number to sms me encouragments. it's so amazing rite. then is this xingzhong guy from dhs. he actually bothered to sent me a bible verse and christian songs. and i dun even say hello to him in vj lor.(that is because i'm quite a dao person). then is yiting, sorry but yiting, at first i thought u quite a dao person, but ur tags really touched me. it's so amazing, after reading them i feel so much better. dun all of you find it amazing?! i know i do.
through this whole episode i find that i'm quite selfish, i only thought of myself and act all emo and keep crying(and finding penknife, hahahahaha). i never once thought of how ppl will get worried and all that. i didn't know everyone actually bothers abt me, actually cares. like clinton, we sorta drift apart after we spilt classes, but he actually still cares about me and all that. hey clinton dun forget we are going to appear on the newspaper, yea?! o and zimu, he kept trying to cheer me up on msn. and qiqin, o man, she is like the bestest friend anyone can get, i noe she oso not feeling happy but she only cares to worry for me and kept on cheering me up. and i was so totally selfish and ignored her feelings. girl, i'm so sorry. and wenjun, u still remember me in ur mist of happiness, thanks. o and hari and kelly( i assume it's her chin meng) ya, both of u are real nice. thanks. let's not forget cynthia, who tried hard to think of jokes to cheer me up and giving me the honour of appearing on her msn nick. o wenwen, thanks, i wish i can hug you. o chao yang and jeridyn, thanks for ur concerns on msn. o and jiaxin, she still remembers me:) and yu lan, dun worry i'm alright now.
o and all the church ppl, songde, huihui jie, zhen hua ge, iris(hug ya), zhi hao, pastor, pastor's wife, faith...and some more i think. they were all like comforting me and giving me advice today. they kept on encouraging me to go on. it's really amazing. like what my mum reminded me today, that i'm actually very blessed, so many ppl care abt me. thank you everyone, it's because of all of you that i am willing to stand up( o sounds cheesy). haha. but hey it's true.
anw, due to discouragment to go poly, i think i'll put tjc, sajc and mjc as my choices. my parents, huihui jie and pastor all want me to go there. so i go lor. if i go there i think i'll take bio, chem, maths and art. haha, my fire for art is ignited again. amazing....whoo~~~ well, that is if vjc dun wan me after meeting them tml. the chances of going back vjc and actually getting into science is 0.1%. it'll take a miracle because i'm not even using band to appeal because i'm seriously not a talented band member. but tjc may not wan me either, but that one i can still use art to appeal la. haha.
i dunno whether to go back vjc or not for the 3 weeks, if the school says i dun really have to go back then i wun. but i will miss alot of ppl, but if i go back i'll have to take econs test!!!! no i do not wan to take econs test!!! ok, that is not a good reason. but ya, going back oso very no face. but not going back is very irresponsible. but going back have to see the KC girls,ewww....but not going back i cannot see my angel and mortal. but going back means i have to go for cross country ( i dun wan to run!!!!!) and JTS ( junior treat senior, treat ur head la! i not even staying treat for wat?! and i'm BROKE!!!) but i dun go back i cannot celebrate V dae( o and give flowers to the guyS that i have crush on, i have alot of crush k?!?! hahahahahaahahaha) ok, so now wat.....hmmm... my personality is splitting..
dunno man....sian.... see wat vjc says tml. i'll go find the principal if he is willing to see me. haha. so exciting rite. i wonder wat will happen....
through this whole episode i find that i'm quite selfish, i only thought of myself and act all emo and keep crying(and finding penknife, hahahahaha). i never once thought of how ppl will get worried and all that. i didn't know everyone actually bothers abt me, actually cares. like clinton, we sorta drift apart after we spilt classes, but he actually still cares about me and all that. hey clinton dun forget we are going to appear on the newspaper, yea?! o and zimu, he kept trying to cheer me up on msn. and qiqin, o man, she is like the bestest friend anyone can get, i noe she oso not feeling happy but she only cares to worry for me and kept on cheering me up. and i was so totally selfish and ignored her feelings. girl, i'm so sorry. and wenjun, u still remember me in ur mist of happiness, thanks. o and hari and kelly( i assume it's her chin meng) ya, both of u are real nice. thanks. let's not forget cynthia, who tried hard to think of jokes to cheer me up and giving me the honour of appearing on her msn nick. o wenwen, thanks, i wish i can hug you. o chao yang and jeridyn, thanks for ur concerns on msn. o and jiaxin, she still remembers me:) and yu lan, dun worry i'm alright now.
o and all the church ppl, songde, huihui jie, zhen hua ge, iris(hug ya), zhi hao, pastor, pastor's wife, faith...and some more i think. they were all like comforting me and giving me advice today. they kept on encouraging me to go on. it's really amazing. like what my mum reminded me today, that i'm actually very blessed, so many ppl care abt me. thank you everyone, it's because of all of you that i am willing to stand up( o sounds cheesy). haha. but hey it's true.
anw, due to discouragment to go poly, i think i'll put tjc, sajc and mjc as my choices. my parents, huihui jie and pastor all want me to go there. so i go lor. if i go there i think i'll take bio, chem, maths and art. haha, my fire for art is ignited again. amazing....whoo~~~ well, that is if vjc dun wan me after meeting them tml. the chances of going back vjc and actually getting into science is 0.1%. it'll take a miracle because i'm not even using band to appeal because i'm seriously not a talented band member. but tjc may not wan me either, but that one i can still use art to appeal la. haha.
i dunno whether to go back vjc or not for the 3 weeks, if the school says i dun really have to go back then i wun. but i will miss alot of ppl, but if i go back i'll have to take econs test!!!! no i do not wan to take econs test!!! ok, that is not a good reason. but ya, going back oso very no face. but not going back is very irresponsible. but going back have to see the KC girls,ewww....but not going back i cannot see my angel and mortal. but going back means i have to go for cross country ( i dun wan to run!!!!!) and JTS ( junior treat senior, treat ur head la! i not even staying treat for wat?! and i'm BROKE!!!) but i dun go back i cannot celebrate V dae( o and give flowers to the guyS that i have crush on, i have alot of crush k?!?! hahahahahaahahaha) ok, so now wat.....hmmm... my personality is splitting..
dunno man....sian.... see wat vjc says tml. i'll go find the principal if he is willing to see me. haha. so exciting rite. i wonder wat will happen....
Saturday, February 10, 2007
u stupid uncle, how dare u cheat me?! you wan to die?!?!?!
o man, thanks for all the nice tags. i really love all of you. you all give me hope. o man, my previous posts damn emo rite?! though i feel damn emo stil but yea, i bought a super nice bag today so i'm happy now. ok. i dun really dare go church. sian...
thank you xinzhong, even though i dun really noe you but you are really nice to me. the song made me cry. thanks, you're even nicer than some of my frens. haha. thank you. i get what you're trying to say:)
thank you elaine and qiqin, both of you really made my day. especially elaine, nice joke man. haha. we did alot of stupid stuff today. at least i forgot abt my results for a while.
i feel damn bad la. i think my parents hate me for sure. because i'm not as smart as yuhan and all. they wan me to choose the path they want me to go. if i dun i'll not be respecting them. ya, i'm just a not filial child. too stupid for all of ya rite.. i noe... i understand... i;m sorry k...
o man, thanks sharon pls let me noe who u r. i wan to thank you personally. wenjun, tell mr tang he is really talented and nice. i really like him. and u wenjun, thanks. o shit i'm crying again. arg....
wenwen, i miss you.... hai... i dun have anymore dream le... i can never fulfill my dream. thanks cynthia.
o man, i actually good mood one lei.... i wanted to tell all of u abt the stupid uncle who cheat me... o man, i'm damn evil. pls everyonw, ignore me can?! i feel like i'm trying to gain all of you the attention. like a spoiled kid. pls dun be so nice to me can?! i don't deserve it..
o songde, thanks, u r a really great brother:)
i should stop crying... my eyes hurt...i should stop being emo... it's totally disgusting...
i miss vjc ppl... i dun wan to go but... i really miss everyone... wenwen, jeridyn, enid, chao yang, leanne, rachel, mr tang, ms chia, hari, andy(student council), cynthia, the ursa council who help me paste the poster, ado, anthony, some of the ursa nominee, marcus, eirene, jonathan(the band one and the ogl), timT, hui shan, yi juan, hua jia, my angel ( i still dunno who u r), elroy, my larry lim, mr josef tam, mr ho, wei jie, jingyi, shayne, ginny, huimin, shirlyn, yuxuan, yueyang, yusheng, hui leng, choon cheng, steffi, jason, chilli, xiangling... still got alot...
life still goes on..
thank you xinzhong, even though i dun really noe you but you are really nice to me. the song made me cry. thanks, you're even nicer than some of my frens. haha. thank you. i get what you're trying to say:)
thank you elaine and qiqin, both of you really made my day. especially elaine, nice joke man. haha. we did alot of stupid stuff today. at least i forgot abt my results for a while.
i feel damn bad la. i think my parents hate me for sure. because i'm not as smart as yuhan and all. they wan me to choose the path they want me to go. if i dun i'll not be respecting them. ya, i'm just a not filial child. too stupid for all of ya rite.. i noe... i understand... i;m sorry k...
o man, thanks sharon pls let me noe who u r. i wan to thank you personally. wenjun, tell mr tang he is really talented and nice. i really like him. and u wenjun, thanks. o shit i'm crying again. arg....
wenwen, i miss you.... hai... i dun have anymore dream le... i can never fulfill my dream. thanks cynthia.
o man, i actually good mood one lei.... i wanted to tell all of u abt the stupid uncle who cheat me... o man, i'm damn evil. pls everyonw, ignore me can?! i feel like i'm trying to gain all of you the attention. like a spoiled kid. pls dun be so nice to me can?! i don't deserve it..
o songde, thanks, u r a really great brother:)
i should stop crying... my eyes hurt...i should stop being emo... it's totally disgusting...
i miss vjc ppl... i dun wan to go but... i really miss everyone... wenwen, jeridyn, enid, chao yang, leanne, rachel, mr tang, ms chia, hari, andy(student council), cynthia, the ursa council who help me paste the poster, ado, anthony, some of the ursa nominee, marcus, eirene, jonathan(the band one and the ogl), timT, hui shan, yi juan, hua jia, my angel ( i still dunno who u r), elroy, my larry lim, mr josef tam, mr ho, wei jie, jingyi, shayne, ginny, huimin, shirlyn, yuxuan, yueyang, yusheng, hui leng, choon cheng, steffi, jason, chilli, xiangling... still got alot...
life still goes on..
u noe wat...i think i wasted my sec school years. i study so hard but got shit result. i lost my friends. i'm not really close to my band frens. we are close but not that close. some don't really care. i'm not close to my class. i lost my close friendship wif elaine, ting and yining. i lost in both studies and friendship. whao, i didn't realise i was such a loser. let me die.
hang me please
i can't stand it anymore. i wan to die. i really wan to. i'm not talking to my family. i dunno wat to say to them. i disappoint them badly. i disappoint my classmates. i disappoint everyone. i'm sorry i'm so dumb n stupid.
dear wenwen, sorry i'm not staying in vj no matter what happens, no i'll not appeal. i dun wan to stay in band, i suck at what i play. i'm tone deaf. if i even see vjc i'll cry. i give up. i dun wan to go back to our class and see everyone trying to comfort me and say it's alright. nobody will understand. i love the student council. but i noe i will not be able to go back and continue to run for it. i'm a loser. i'm good at nothing. only a stupid school will accept me. if i'm a principal i'll not accept myself. wenwen, help me tell jeridyn and enid i really like them, they are one of the nicest ppl i'd seen arnd. tell leanne and rachel they should cont'd they jokes and laughter, they are really fun to have around. tell jessica she is one of the nicest nicest ppl i ever seen. if i stay in vjc she will have been one of my best fren. tell ms chia she is quite a cute teacher. tell chao yang even though he is dun really like me but i think he is actually quite nice. and you wenwen i really lke u, u r so cute and friendly n all that. i'll never enjoy my time in vjc as much without u. i'm sorry to say good bye. i'm sorry i couldn't say goodbye to all of you personally. i just cannot stand the pain of seeing all of you face to face again. o i forgot to congrat all of you for doing so well.....
i've been crying non stop since yesterday. o man i sound emo. but o no i'm crying again. shit. sorry if u r reading this pls stop reading. pls. i only blog because i got nobody to talk to. i don't dare to talk to anyone. i bet everyone is disappointed in me. i really cannot tell all of you how sorry i am. o no i don't feel like going out with QQ today but i dunno wat will happen if i stay at home. i know sonething bad wil happen.
o to zimu, thank you alot alot. u really are a v good brother. u really cares. thank you.
to my family: mum i'm sorry, i'm so dumb. to daddy, i'm sorry i embarress you. to yuhan, i'm sorry i cannot go to school with you anymore, i really wnt to thank you for encouraging me all the way when i'm in vj, if not i wun have anjoy my time there. to yu xuan, it wasn't youe fault, i'm the problem. to yu rou, i love you.
i hope life dun goes on.
dear wenwen, sorry i'm not staying in vj no matter what happens, no i'll not appeal. i dun wan to stay in band, i suck at what i play. i'm tone deaf. if i even see vjc i'll cry. i give up. i dun wan to go back to our class and see everyone trying to comfort me and say it's alright. nobody will understand. i love the student council. but i noe i will not be able to go back and continue to run for it. i'm a loser. i'm good at nothing. only a stupid school will accept me. if i'm a principal i'll not accept myself. wenwen, help me tell jeridyn and enid i really like them, they are one of the nicest ppl i'd seen arnd. tell leanne and rachel they should cont'd they jokes and laughter, they are really fun to have around. tell jessica she is one of the nicest nicest ppl i ever seen. if i stay in vjc she will have been one of my best fren. tell ms chia she is quite a cute teacher. tell chao yang even though he is dun really like me but i think he is actually quite nice. and you wenwen i really lke u, u r so cute and friendly n all that. i'll never enjoy my time in vjc as much without u. i'm sorry to say good bye. i'm sorry i couldn't say goodbye to all of you personally. i just cannot stand the pain of seeing all of you face to face again. o i forgot to congrat all of you for doing so well.....
i've been crying non stop since yesterday. o man i sound emo. but o no i'm crying again. shit. sorry if u r reading this pls stop reading. pls. i only blog because i got nobody to talk to. i don't dare to talk to anyone. i bet everyone is disappointed in me. i really cannot tell all of you how sorry i am. o no i don't feel like going out with QQ today but i dunno wat will happen if i stay at home. i know sonething bad wil happen.
o to zimu, thank you alot alot. u really are a v good brother. u really cares. thank you.
to my family: mum i'm sorry, i'm so dumb. to daddy, i'm sorry i embarress you. to yuhan, i'm sorry i cannot go to school with you anymore, i really wnt to thank you for encouraging me all the way when i'm in vj, if not i wun have anjoy my time there. to yu xuan, it wasn't youe fault, i'm the problem. to yu rou, i love you.
i hope life dun goes on.
Friday, February 09, 2007
hang me pls...
ppl do me a favour, dun ask me how i did. i promise i will either kill u or bash u up. believe me i will.
i cannot go vjc le. my dream dashed. i dunno wat happened to me. maybe i was too dumb to realise i was dumb. yujie wake up la!!!! don't think u are so smart k!!! u are so stupid lor. haha. i sound very emo rite. ya i am. today i got so sad that i went off to hide. that moment i wish i had a penknife with me. it's my turn to act emo. i never cry so badly before. i dunno what went wrong. i think i'm just plain stupid. seriously. where am i going now? i'm not sure. anywhere is fine. yishun, serangoon, even poly.... they are not so bad actually. o man i think i'm damn mean and making alot of enemy. sorry ar, u can dun forgive me if u wan to. i noe i'm mean but i cannot do anything about it. just like the way i'm stupid, i oso cannot do anything about it. i'm really sorry to those ppl who call me and got a scolding from me. i'm really sorry to those who msg me but i never reply (almost all, even though there were those i wish to kill)
today i found out who are those who really care for me. those who stay by my side even when i cannot stop crying. thank you QQ, yulan, yingying, tingting,elaine, cally, huiying. if u all didn't accompany me today i wun be here typing. thank u QQ even though i noe u are oso v sad but u still gave me a shoulder to cry on. thank you yulan, i'm really happy for u. i shouldn't be so mean i should be happy for you. i'm really sorry that i couldn't let u go celebrate today. sorry. thank you hari, even though u dunno wat to say to me.
tell all of u a secret ar, even though i v sad rite and i act like i dun wan all of u rite, but i really wish all of you, girl or guy will give me a hug. it will make me feel much better. (even though it doesn't apply to all guys, i really hate some guys)
i'm not stepping into vjc le. i dun wan to appeal either because i dun wan to use band to stay. i'll miss vjc. i really love the school. but lucky for my house student nomineee u have one less competitor. and my house ppl dun even have to vote against me. i noe that there must be ppl who are happy that i did badly, well, good for u. tooo bad i cannot celebrate valentine's day le. no school to go to mah, so cannot celebrate valentine's day. wah seh....i'm damn sad. i wan to jump off my block. but hey i dun wan to make my mum sad. to my angel and mortal in vjc, i'm really sorry i think both of u are damn nice. i'll send gifts to both of you. to jessica, jeridyn, enid, wenwen, rachel and leanne. u all make my class life happy. i'll never forget all of ya. to marc the sc president, thanks i learn alot from you, dun worry i'll be a responsible person and get hari to take over my job, he is really responsible.
o i forgot to thanks my family, thank you and i'm really sorry for my mean-ness. i really cannot help it. i'm really sorry. i really am...
i think i'll go sajc with chin meng, we'll look quite nice in the uniform. i only go there because i like the uniform. at least i still have chin meng with me, not too lonely. life has to go on...
i cannot go vjc le. my dream dashed. i dunno wat happened to me. maybe i was too dumb to realise i was dumb. yujie wake up la!!!! don't think u are so smart k!!! u are so stupid lor. haha. i sound very emo rite. ya i am. today i got so sad that i went off to hide. that moment i wish i had a penknife with me. it's my turn to act emo. i never cry so badly before. i dunno what went wrong. i think i'm just plain stupid. seriously. where am i going now? i'm not sure. anywhere is fine. yishun, serangoon, even poly.... they are not so bad actually. o man i think i'm damn mean and making alot of enemy. sorry ar, u can dun forgive me if u wan to. i noe i'm mean but i cannot do anything about it. just like the way i'm stupid, i oso cannot do anything about it. i'm really sorry to those ppl who call me and got a scolding from me. i'm really sorry to those who msg me but i never reply (almost all, even though there were those i wish to kill)
today i found out who are those who really care for me. those who stay by my side even when i cannot stop crying. thank you QQ, yulan, yingying, tingting,elaine, cally, huiying. if u all didn't accompany me today i wun be here typing. thank u QQ even though i noe u are oso v sad but u still gave me a shoulder to cry on. thank you yulan, i'm really happy for u. i shouldn't be so mean i should be happy for you. i'm really sorry that i couldn't let u go celebrate today. sorry. thank you hari, even though u dunno wat to say to me.
tell all of u a secret ar, even though i v sad rite and i act like i dun wan all of u rite, but i really wish all of you, girl or guy will give me a hug. it will make me feel much better. (even though it doesn't apply to all guys, i really hate some guys)
i'm not stepping into vjc le. i dun wan to appeal either because i dun wan to use band to stay. i'll miss vjc. i really love the school. but lucky for my house student nomineee u have one less competitor. and my house ppl dun even have to vote against me. i noe that there must be ppl who are happy that i did badly, well, good for u. tooo bad i cannot celebrate valentine's day le. no school to go to mah, so cannot celebrate valentine's day. wah seh....i'm damn sad. i wan to jump off my block. but hey i dun wan to make my mum sad. to my angel and mortal in vjc, i'm really sorry i think both of u are damn nice. i'll send gifts to both of you. to jessica, jeridyn, enid, wenwen, rachel and leanne. u all make my class life happy. i'll never forget all of ya. to marc the sc president, thanks i learn alot from you, dun worry i'll be a responsible person and get hari to take over my job, he is really responsible.
o i forgot to thanks my family, thank you and i'm really sorry for my mean-ness. i really cannot help it. i'm really sorry. i really am...
i think i'll go sajc with chin meng, we'll look quite nice in the uniform. i only go there because i like the uniform. at least i still have chin meng with me, not too lonely. life has to go on...
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Vote for the hottest one! ME!!!
U is for URSA! U-R-S-A ursa! U is for URSA U-R-S-A ursa! vote for me, Goh Yu Jie (and Hari)!!! Thank you! Thank You!
o man! so scary! the campaigning is offically starting on monday and i got alot alot of stuff to prepare. o no! scary! whoo~ need to creat posters, banner, brochure, speech...v v busy. until i cannot breathe le. but that is the fun of it. anw tell u abt the sc meeting on wed. i went late, but i have a good reason k?! i had band pract and i had to leave in between and Mr Tan (dear conductor) was talking and i dare not interrupt him. and i was late by a few minutes 3 or 4, according to school clock. it was scary!!! marc ( the president) was v particular abt punctuality. the ursa sc seniors even warn us die also cannot be late for the morning meeting which starts at 7.10am almost everyday next week! ( sorry, interruption: "ZHI HAO is 1.8!!!" end of interruption) then we had alot of stuff to do, speech, CT walk.... then marc asked for volunteers to be the general secetary of the week who have to pass down infor and all that, so sian rite, who wan to be that lor, but 3 ppl raise their hands lei...but i expected it la, Sc are suppose to be willing to do everything..but then hor when he ask for volunteer to be nominee day in charge( the person have to prepare for the nominee day and do all the food and all tt) but u noe wat?!?! nobody raise their hands lor!! (interruption: zhi hao dig his nose in front of moi!!! interruption ends) i was like waiting and thinking y no enthu ppl?! i thought we r all sc nominee?! then i just rise moi's hand and ta da!! i was the ic. then i knew the reason, my class mate ask me y i so hiong..but i think it's ok lor. very fun wat..
then went to the ursa meet senior sc meeting. our sejnior all very cool one lor, got all the dance ic, i'm going to ask them teach me mass dance!! and got one frm AHS. yea.. our ursa ppl all very enthu and i really like most of them. hari also campaigning with moi!!! he was very funny, he said that we never officially introduce ourselves so he took out his hand to shake mine, eventhough i was thinking o my, my hands are like so cold from nervousness la. then he said: hi, i'm hari" then i said " hi hari, i'm yujie" ..................so funny rite?! elaine be jealous!!! haha i get to work with hari who i think is a super nice person! haha.anw, hari was ahs prom king so he is good-looking! anw after i finish our campaigning poster i'll show ya!! it'll be uber cool!!!
here showing the photos of me and the road that i painted till 4am.
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